Reservations Import

The reservation-import endpoint allows a PMS to request a full refresh of all future reservations and modifications for a hotel associated with that PMS. This request triggers a background job that queues these reservations and delivers them to the PMS through the standard PMSX reservation delivery flow. During the import process, the hotel will receive both ‘live’ reservations and ‘imported’ reservations.

Important Considerations for the Reservation Import Process:

  • The hotel will receive standard email reservation notifications if a reservation fails to deliver during the import.

  • Only active reservations and modifications are included in the import; cancellations are ignored. Active reservations are defined as future reservations that have not checked in yet.

  • The import duration depends on several factors, such as the total number of reservations to process and the volume of ‘live’ reservations at the hotel.

  • The import may create duplicate entries in the hotel's PMS if some reservations have already been manually entered. It is not possible to exclude specific reservations from the import.

  • Currently, there is no direct way to confirm when the import has completed. A return to the normal frequency of ‘live’ reservation deliveries typically indicates that the import has finished.

Usage Note: This function is intended for use when a hotel integrates with a new PMS. It should not be used to re-deliver reservations that may have failed due to an outage or other issues.

Last updated