Getting Started

Test Environment

Each PMS connecting to pmsXchange will be given an interactive test account to get a basic connection up and running.

  • The PMS will be given a URL, username, password and RequestorID to connect to the pmsXchange inventory and reservation service.

  • The PMS will be given a Hotel Code for the test hotel.

  • The PMS will be given a reservation tool to test the reservation service.

Test Extranet

The connecting PMS will get access to a test hotel on the SiteMinder extranet to confirm that the availability, restrictions and rates pushed from their system are processed correctly. The extranet will also show the reservations created and the delivery status to the PMS.

Test Web Service

Test Web Service URL:{RequestorID}


WSDL for dotNet: The above WSDL for dotNet is recommended for .NET clients as several known issues will arise when using proxy generators from the .NET framework (such as wsdl.exe or svcutil.exe) with the OTA spec.

Ping Request

The connecting PMS can use the OTA_PingRQ to verify that the test web service is up and running and that it's able to connect.

<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="">
		<wsse:Security xmlns:wsse="">
		<OTA_PingRQ xmlns="" EchoToken="abc123" TimeStamp="2024-12-31T10:00:29Z" Version="1">
			<EchoData>Hello World</EchoData>

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