Minimum Content Sample

Minimum Content XML

The minimum content XML sample is for reference purposes only and it is an example of the minimum amount of data that your system could receive from SMX.

<OTA_HotelResNotifRQ xmlns="" Version="1.0" EchoToken="abc-123" TimeStamp="2018-05-04T19:40:04Z">
        <HotelReservation ResStatus="Reserved" CreateDateTime="2018-05-04T19:32:04Z">
                    <RequestorID ID="PMSPUBLISHER"/>
            <UniqueID ID="123456789"/>
                    <TimeSpan Start="2017-09-05" End="2017-09-06"/>
                <TimeSpan Start="2017-09-05" End="2017-09-06"/>
                <Total AmountAfterTax="200.00"/>
                <!-- May be AmountBeforeTax -->
                <BasicPropertyInfo HotelCode="10107"/>

Minimum Content XML - Reservation Cancellation

In scenarios where the original reservation message was not processed by the reservation publisher, it is possible to receive the following as an "initial cancellation" message.

<OTA_HotelResNotifRQ xmlns="" Version="1" EchoToken="abc-123" TimeStamp="2018-09-20T07:55:07Z">
        <HotelReservation ResStatus="Cancelled" CreateDateTime="2018-05-04T19:32:04Z" LastModifyDateTime="2018-09-20T07:55:04Z">
                    <RequestorID ID="PMSPUBLISHER"/>
            <UniqueID ID="123456789"/>
                 <BasicPropertyInfo HotelCode="10107"/>

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