Error Handling

This page provides examples of common error responses received from pmsXchange when uploading reservations.

Expectations for Error Handling

It is expected that your PMS has a robust error handling process in place. This includes a queuing mechanism and a robust retry strategy.

Please read the below to make sure you have a good understanding of the requirements for error handling for Reservations Upload.

Application Level Error Handling

OTA Error Warning Types

Below is an outline of the OTA (OpenTravel) standard EWT and ERR codes that will be used alongside the error messages specified in each OTA_HotelResNotifRS response.

Error Type



Indicates an unknown error.


Biz rule

Indicates that the XML message has passed a low-level validation check, but that the business rules for the request message were not met.



Indicates the message lacks adequate security credentials



Indicates the message lacks adequate security credentials


Required field missing

Indicates that a required element or attribute, as defined by the schema or agreed upon by trading partners, is missing from the message. In the context of pmsXchange, this error will also be returned if the XML message does not conform to the data type restrictions specified by the XML schema.


Processing exception

Indicates that an undefined exception occurred during the processing of the request.

Common Error Responses

Invalid Web Service URI

<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="">
      <OTA_HotelResNotifRS EchoToken="4528545b-f875-5c77-9205-22631b68f15a" TimeStamp="2025-09-28T01:48:44+00:00" Version="1.0" xmlns="">
            <Error Type="4">Authentication failed - PMS {REQUESTORID} does not exist</Error>

Solution: Confirm you are sending your requests to the correct web service endpoint for your PMS.

Invalid Username/Password

<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="">
      <OTA_HotelResNotifRS EchoToken="4528545b-f875-5c77-9205-22631b68f15a" TimeStamp="2025-09-28T01:47:17+00:00" Version="1.0" xmlns="">
            <Error Type="4">Authentication failed - PMS {REQUESTORID} received request with invalid username/password</Error>

Solution: Confirm you are sending your requests to the correct credentials assigned for your PMS pmsXchange connection.

Invalid RequestorID

<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="">
      <OTA_HotelResNotifRS EchoToken="4528545b-f875-5c77-9205-22631b68f15a" TimeStamp="2025-09-28T01:48:28+00:00" Version="1.0" xmlns="">
            <Error Type="6">Inconsistent PMS codes. PMS '{WS_URI}' does not match RequestorID '{REQUESTORID}'</Error>

Solution: Confirm you are using the correct RequestorID in your message payload.

Invalid Hotel Code

<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="">
      <OTA_HotelResNotifRS EchoToken="4528545b-f875-5c77-9205-22631b68f15a" TimeStamp="2025-09-28T01:44:44+00:00" Version="1.0" xmlns="">
            <Error Type="6">PMS {REQUESTORID} is not authorized to access hotel with HotelCode={HOTELCODE}</Error>

Solution: Confirm you are using the correct HotelCode in your message payload.

Required Information Missing

<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="">
      <OTA_HotelResNotifRS EchoToken="4528545b-f875-5c77-9205-22631b68f15a" TimeStamp="2025-09-28T01:45:04+00:00" Version="1.0" xmlns="">
            <Error Type="10">Could not validate the schema: cvc-complex-type.2.4.b: The content of element 'tag0:ResGlobalInfo' is not complete. One of '{"":BasicPropertyInfo}' is expected.</Error>

The above shows the response for a reservation missing OTA_HotelResNotifRQ / HotelReservations / HotelReservation / ResGlobalInfo / BasicPropertyInfo @HotelCode

Solution: You will need to adjust your implementation to include the missing information/data.

Handling HTTP 500 Error Responses

For more information on suggested handling methods, please refer to the page Handling HTTP 500.

Last updated